The Gold Star Meditation is based on the 2011 Altai Fellowship Meditation designed by Navajo Wisdom Keeper, Patricia Anne Davis.
She goes into much greater detail with each part and explains more about how the meditation is designed on her website NativeAmericanConcepts.wordpress.com
Part one: Preparation:
1. Sit in the chair with both feet flat on the floor and your spine straight.
2. Place your hands over your solar plexus with the right hand over the left hand over the solar plexus in the curve of the ribcage. Place your left thumb over your right thumb at the low point of the sternum.
3. Close your eyes and allow your breathing to become rhythmic by counting the in-breath and the out-breath. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Remember that the whole universe has the same in-breath and out-breath vibration and impulse.
Part Two: Connect, Intend, Visualize, Affirm and Manifest
When whole-brain thinking is flowing spontaneously and synergetically, take the focus of your thinking 8-10 inches above your head to the gold soul star. You can sense it, you can feel it, and you can see this luminous, iridescent gold star.
Focusing on your soul star, say an affirmation of your choosing, such as:
"I am the divine soul" "I am a divine light" "I am divine love" "I am divine joy"
If you are in a group, connect your soul star to the soul star of the person who is sitting directly clockwise to you.
Raise the group’s five pointed gold star to connect with the mountains around your area where the illuminated beings live.
From the five-pointed gold star above your region, see the rainbow extending across, connecting to the Altai Mountains and the people there.
Give gratitude for all the resources that have been offered for this purpose. Rejoice in the liberation of all the souls that are being held in bondage and slavery.
“Re-ignite the fire” of the Collective Intention:
“Connect with the intention between Mother Earth and Father Sky, on the physical plane to intend, to visualize, to affirm, and to manifest the Afirmative thinking system that eternally exists in the natural order.
To affirm is to know the truth of this work, to trust the truth of this work. We renew and restore our spiritual holistic self and also the planet earth simultaneously the same way that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm.
Realize that we are all equally a precious child of creator. We can cooperate and collaborate for our collective survival on earth to renew, to restore the Earth, Water, Fire, and Air.
We “re-ignite the fire” of this intention for the future generations. If we take care of the Earth, Water, Fire, and Air, then we will be taking care of ourselves collectively in the future.
We interconnect with the divine to affirm that we have heard and understand the intent for humanity to become humane.“
Part Three: Self Replenishment and Healing
The people who are participating are healed and replenished in order to do this great work on the Earth.
We intentionally send out the universal healing of ultraviolet from our soul star into the etheric network. You can see it around the earth as points of light held together in a grid.
As we intentionally put out the ultraviolet from our soul star, we become way-showers to those on the Earth who are in need of healing and we can invoke this energy for healing.
We also heal ourselves by receiving it back to our soul star, for our own personal healing.
We are now ready to replenish ourselves for the stamina it takes to accomplish and to successfully and co-creatively manifest a loving human family in collaboration with the natural order.
We send the gold from our soul star into the etheric network and see it embrace the globe in a grid: luminescent and iridescent, lighting up the whole Earth plane. As the earth lights up, it revitalizes the energy that had been locked in misqualified energy, misperception, misunderstanding and miscreation.
This revitalized gold light then replenishes each of us as we invoke replenishment in our personal life, in our family, in our community, in our nation, and in all the world governments. We choose love and peace in alignment with the energy of life that flows through us. We invoke this esoteric gold color in the etheric network for wise use—wise use to rebuild all that is going to be changed for future generations, for the benefit of the next generations.
We now receive this esoteric gold light from the etheric network into our own soul star. We bring this gold light into our thinking and into our body, into every cell of our being, into our bone marrow, into our bones, into our muscles, into our cartilage, into each organ, through our skin and filling our entire energetic field.
Be filled with this light to be receptive, to be inspired, to be guided, and to know. Allow this light to illuminate each thought and to reveal our path for what is to be done. To bring us from the unreal to the real.
Grounding and Anchoring the High Frequency Energies into the Earth:
Ground the illumined energies from the high mountain grid by sending the gold light from our soul star above us, diagonally in front of us, down about 50 feet into the Earth. Then bend it and bring it straight back, under our feet.
Anchor into the Earth by sending it into the center of the Earth. Let it blend with the Earth under our feet, infusing every particle of rock and magma. See the light anchored in the Earth rising up under your feet, it soaks through each layer of Mother Earth. Bring this combined energy of the divine feminine and divine masculine up through your feet to the back of your body. As you bring it up through the layers of the Earth, Allow the energy to come through the back of your body where all your chakras are lined up:
under your feet, the back of your knees, through your spine, the back of each chakra, the sacral center, the solar plexus, the heart center, the throat center, the third eye and then through the crown chakra and then back up to the soul star.
This is an anchoring and grounding of the revitalized spiritual energy made available to us as we as humane beings on Earth collaborate and co-create to contribute for our own well being and the well being of humanity within the Natural Order at this time.
Again affirm in your heart all the love for humanity and gratitude for the gift of life. Feel peace in your heart. Know that it is true.
End meditation and release this Truth into the etheric plane.