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I Rest to Create

Updated: Oct 9, 2021

It's been almost a month since my last post. The moon is waxing towards it's second Super

moon in a row and will end in a lunar eclipse on May 26, 2021. I will be on Mt. Shasta.

I have been spending my time preparing for my trek to Shasta. I've been slowly unplugging myself from technology and integrating into the vibrations of Mother Nature.

I've been physically training as well as mentally training with daily meditations. This trek will require mind, body and spirit, so I want to arrive prepared.

I'm exploring these inner realms in anticipation for creating. I feel as if this trek is a heartfelt connection to embody the new energies that are being integrated on Earth. As I am introduced to these energies at the High Mountain Energy Grid, my creativity will enable me to re-integrate these vibrations into my present being.

Embarking on this trek is nourishment for my soul. I feel as if I'm feeding myself so I can be of service to others, to help others and Mother Earth heal and achieve a higher level--free energy in a beautiful world co-created now.

The time is NOW.

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